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Our Partners

The Virtual Doctors, the UK’s leading telemedicine charity, use a bespoke mobile app to connect isolated health centres in rural Zambia and Malawi with volunteer doctors, based predominantly in the UK. They have been working alongside the Ministry of Health in Zambia for over a decade and to date have equipped healthcare workers in more than 270 health facilities with app-loaded smartphones. These facilities serve as many as 2.5 million people with no direct access to a qualified doctor.

The Zambian Ministry of Health aims to provide effective quality healthcare services close to the family as possible.

This ensures equity of access to health service delivery and contributes to the human and socioeconomic development.

The ministry also targets to attain Sustainable Development Goals on health and other national health priorities.

Snake Safety Zambia is a company founded by Marcel van Driel, who is a Master Herpetologist and a Zambian snake and snakebite expert.

In 2021 he published the book Snakes and First Aid in Snakebite in Zambia.

In 2023, he drafted the National Guidelines in the Prevention and Management of Snakebite, which was validated and adopted in October 2023 by the Zambian Ministry of Health. 

Solight Design was set up by Alice Min Soo Chun an inventor and social entrepreneur.

Fuelled by her passion for helping the underserved, Alice has invented products that address global crises. Her first invention, the SolarPuff, has impacted over 1 million people living in underserved regions worldwide, and she has supplied solar lighting solutions to Ukraine, Mexico, Turkey and Syria.

On Call Africa work in partnership with the Zambian Ministry of Health and delivery partners to support the development of strong and effective rural health systems in Zambia.

ProtonDx’s core technology builds on several years of innovative research in diagnostics and sample extractions, fuelled by unique collaborations between engineering, medicine and molecular biology.


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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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