

Sponsorship Tiers

We offer various sponsorship tiers to suit a range of budgets and levels of involvement. Each tier provides a unique set of benefits designed to give your organization maximum visibility and engagement with the expedition. Below is a detailed description of each tier:

Title Sponsor

Contribution: £5000
  • Exclusive naming rights: "Livingstone Revisited Expedition, Presented by [Your Company]"
  • Logo placement on all expedition materials, including banners and vehicles,
  • Prominent logo placement on the expedition website with a dedicated page for your company
  • Dedicated social media shoutouts and featured content
  • Opportunity for an in-person or online talk both pre and post expedition

Gold Sponsor

Contribution: £2000-5000
  • Prominent logo placement on vehicles
  • Prominent logo placement on the expedition website's sponsor section
  • Social media shoutouts during the expedition
  • Opportunity for an in-person or online talk post expedition

Silver Sponsor

Contribution: £1000-2000
  • Logo placement on vehicles
  • Logo placement on the expedition website's sponsor section
  • Social media mention during the expedition

Bronze Sponsor

Contribution: £500-1000
  • Logo placement on the expedition website's sponsor section
  • Thank you mention on social media


Contribution: Up to £500
  • Name or company listed on the expedition website's sponsor section
  • Thank you mention on social media


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  • No categories

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)