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Ben has spent 11 years serving as Royal Marine Commando with 7 years spent as a Combat Medic working within reconnaissance units and medical support regiments.
Deploying to the Arctic Circle, jungles of Belize and the deserts of Oman, as well as several operations at sea. Specialising in austere and remote medicine with limited resources and often working within small, isolated teams in high pressure situations, where teamwork, effective communication and trust is the key to success.
After qualifying as a Paramedic in 2021, Ben was elected to sit on the UK Paramedic Council for the College of Paramedics as the Military and Overseas Representative in 2023 and has been a WEM faculty member since 2022 teaching on the Expedition and Wilderness courses in the UK and in Slovenia. Ben has also just completed is postgraduate certificate in Clinical Education with Plymouth University.
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.